personal development studiolab

students gesturing in an improvisational game

craft, connect, create

cultivating awareness, supporting curious minds, and improving our ability to problem-solve and succeed.

about us

helping students embrace growth, flexibility, and collaboration

the personal development studiolab is a space where you create and practice your personal and powerful life approach. the studiolab collaborates with partners across campus and beyond to develop and deliver courses, opportunities, resources, and experiences that promote personal growth. the studiolab strives to cultivate a student body that possesses:

  • the ability to be intentional with their attention
  • accurate awareness of themselves, their peers, and the world around them
  • healthy connections to the present moment, themselves, and others

in service of these goals, the studiolab offers the curious life certificate (clc), a series of courses designed to help you effectively manage yourself by managing the three channels through which you connect to your life. these skills and mindsets form the foundation for a successful and curious life.

a curious life

engage your willingness to wonder

choosing to be intentionally curious can lead to a more productive, optimistic, and effective quality of awareness. learn to optimize your energy in pursuit of your goals.

our curriculum model

our programming

learn to be intentional, connected, and curious

students in a dance class


unique courses to help students grow their interpersonal and career-related life skills.

explore our courses
students at a whiteboard


view forums and read articles about how the personal development studiolab helps northwestern students ignite their curiosity.

explore our resources
byron stewart and joseph holtgreive teaching


faculty from multiple schools and units within northwestern teach our courses, including the 世界杯2022晋级球队预测, the school of communication, and counseling and psychological services leadership from student affairs.

meet our faculty