safety and emergency information

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mccormick and 2022世界杯阿根廷预选比赛 are committed to providing a safe and healthful environment in which teaching, research, and public service can flourish.

it is the responsibility of each individual to be aware of the emergency response procedures for the technological institute, ford motor company engineering design center, and william a. and gayle cook hall, and seeley g. mudd hall.

please review the emergency response plans and detailed information on the tech alarm systems and emergency procedures on this page.

additionally, each academic department has a faculty safety representative and all research labs have a safety plan on file with the office for research safety.

emergency response plans for mccormick buildings

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emergency preparedness guidelines

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the technological institute alarm system

  • the tech fire alarm system is zoned. the fire doors in tech compartmentalize the building.
  • the trigger of an alarm in one zone prompts the automatic closing of all fire doors throughout tech.
  • fire doors should not be opened.

tech alarm messages

depending on your location in relation to the zone in crisis you may hear one of two audible messages:

evacuation message
for zones immediately affected by the emergency.
listen to the evacuation message

standby message
for zones surrounding, but not immediately affected by, the emergency.
listen to the standby message

occupants in areas not receiving an audible evacuation message do not need to leave the building. when in doubt, use common sense and take appropriate action.

alarm testing message

the tech alarm system is constantly monitored and tested regularly. when a test is conducted, you may hear the following message:

alarm system test message
a three-second steady tone followed by a live voice message.
listen to the test message

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