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mccormick phd hooding and master’s degree recognition ceremony

saturday, december 9, 2023, 4 p.m.

location: pick-staiger concert hall, 50 arts circle drive map it


tickets are not required to attend the 世界杯2022晋级球队预测 phd hooding and master’s degree recognition ceremony, though space is limited. please encourage your guests to arrive promptly.

pick up your regalia

regalia can be picked up at the 2022世界杯阿根廷预选比赛 bookstore in the norris university center during store business hours:

  • monday, december 4 - friday, december 8: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • saturday, december 9: 1 - 3 p.m.

register for the ceremony

the dealine for registering for the ceremony has passed.

if there are any errors on your registration form or you have any questions, please reach out to northwestern-engineering-events@northwestern.edu.

event streaming

the ceremony will be recorded and there will be a live video feed, which you can share with family and friends who are not able to attend.

watch live stream

graduation speaker

megan greenfield (phd ’09) is a partner at mckinsey, a leading global consulting firm whose purpose is to help create positive, enduring change in the world. she is a recognized leader in healthcare, health equity, and advancing equity in the workplace. in 2021, she was named a world economic forum (wef) young global leader, a recognition bestowed upon 100 of the world’s most promising artists, business leaders, public servants, technologists, and social entrepreneurs. in 2023, greenfield helped launch wef’s global parity alliance, and in january 2024, she will unveil a new report with wef on the economic impact of underinvesting in women's health at the wef annual meeting in davos.

greenfield is an avid philanthropist focusing on local and global science, education, and healthcare initiatives. she received her phd in chemical and biological engineering from northwestern engineering and a bachelor of science in chemical engineering from the california institute of technology. while at northwestern, greenfield published several high-impact papers in journals such as nature materials. she also founded the mccormick graduate leadership council and was the president of the graduate student association. she is the vice-chair of the board of advisers for the museum of science in boston.

accessibility concerns

if you have questions about accessibility or accessible seating, please email northwestern engineering events.


pick-staiger concert hall and available parking lots are on the evanston campus. parking is free on saturdays and campus restrictions are not in effect. please choose from the following lots:

  • south campus parking garage, 1847 campus drive. view map
  • lakeside parking structure, 1 arts circle drive. view map

passengers may be dropped off and picked up in the cul-de-sac at the end of arts circle drive, past the two parking lots and directly in front of the concert hall.

after the ceremony

regalia returns

phd regalia must be returned after the ceremony to the norris bookstore. the bookstore will remain open until 6 p.m. on saturday, december 9. regalia can also be returned during normal business hours until friday, december 15. master's degree graduates will keep their regalia.

ordering photos

dynamic photo systems is the official photographer at the northwestern engineering phd hooding and master’s recognition ceremony.

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department and program celebrations

our departments and programs are planning other opportunities to celebrate their graduates.

final department and program celebration information will be posted here when available.

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